Sherri Jacobs, ND, CNS

Dr. Sherri Jacobs earned her Naturopathic Medical Degree from Bastyr University in Seattle, WA, a fully accredited, federally funded, four-year post-graduate naturopathic medical university. Bastyr University has the distinction of being the leading educational and research institution for science-based natural medicine. She is a Certified Nutrition Specialist through the American College of Nutrition. Prior to receiving her Doctorate Degree, Dr. Sherri obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Health from the College of Charleston.   

Dr. Sherri has completed clinical rotations in various outreach clinics in the Seattle area as well as preceptoring with some of the world's leading Naturopathic Physicians. Her practice is centered around the use of clinical nutrition, hormone optimization and nutrigenomics to create individualized wellness plans. 

She shares her practice and her passion with her husband, Dr. Stockton Jacobs and her colleague Dr. Shannon Kennedy. 

To schedule an appointment or 15 minute free inquiry, click here

"I wanted to check in and tell you that I went to the Dr. today and he was happy to report that my RA is in remission! I did it without the meds!!! I am beyond happy and cannot thank you enough for your insight and encouragement!"

— Pam, Dr. Sherri Client

Functional labs offered:

Hormone testing: Serum, Salivary and Urine (DUTCH)

Organic Acid Test (OAT)

Genetic Testing (Nutrigenomics)

Food Sensitivity Testing

Comprehensive Digestive Analysis

Holman Fatty Acid Test

Adrenal Stress Index

SIBO Breath test

Toxicity (metals/minerals)

Mold testing (mycotoxins)

The average cost of functional medicine testing is about $300. Some tests are slightly more and some are slightly less.

There are no options to use insurance for services or labs with Dr. Sherri.

Contact Dr. Sherri
Fax: 877.839.9322

3423 Maybank Highway
Johns Island, S
C 29455